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At Alchemy of Her, we serve multi-passionate women who are ready to create the turned on life of their dreams

Hi, I'm Hannah

Your Mentor


I feel passionate about helping women create more wealth and to love courageously. One thing that sets me apart is that I have worked in the sex industry. I've built a deeply fulfilling career and gone on to mentor dozens of women.


I didn’t want to just help sex workers because i wanted to help them get rich, I wanted to help my clients find the same level of self expression and fulfillment that I was able to create for myself. In the process of becoming empowered in this work, I also became empowered in myself.


I’ve built and grown 4 different businesses within the sex industry and now I’m ready to take this experience and this knowledge into the world because what I’ve learned in this taboo industry is very valuable to all women in the pursuit of love, success, and personal fulfillment.

Where do you stand in the balance of work, life, and love?




Learn what your work-life balance says about you and what you can do to shift your reality

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The Erotic Life Podcast


We invite you to be part of the incredible journey of "The Erotic Life Podcast." Your support will enable us to break barriers, ignite conversations, and empower individuals worldwide to embrace their authentic selves, fostering a more connected and compassionate society.


Support the Kickstarter (coming soon)

What is the Erotic Life?

What it means to create your life with inspiration from your creative life force energy.

Episode 001

Business from the Heart

Fantasy or Reality? We uncover the process of aligning our businesses with the values of our hearts.

Episode 002

Coming out as You

Being your authentic self is one of the riskiest things you can do. It was worth it to us. Find out why.

Episode 003

Alchemy of Her is the home of the Priestex Mastermind™, the only comprehensive business training course that includes live coaching, a self-paced online course & a safe global community for escorts, tantric practitioners and fantasy providers.


In a society where you're forced to hide what you do, building a successful sex work business can feel impossible, but with our self-paced, online six-week course, you can finally create the 6-Figure Sex Work Business you've been dreaming of.
Find Out More!

"I think where a lot of women rob themselves in business is putting the importance of their financial success over their quality of life; their relationships, their health, and their fulfillment from knowing they are contributing to making this world a better a place." - Hannah Heart

Let's stay in touch, babe.